A Nashid Chroma Happening
If you've made it here then you're probably curious about all the promotion I've been sending your way about this event, and I couldn't be more grateful! The schedule and map of the live painting can be found below, and a description of the event for anyone new can be found just below the map.
WED 17th. 6 - 8PM - Graffiti Alley #1
THURSDAY 18th (Practice) 11-1PM - LCBO @ Dundas St. W & Dovercourt Rd.
FRIDAY 19th 2 - 4PM - Nassau St. & Bellevue Ave.
5 - 7PM - Graffiti Alley #1
SATURDAY 20th 10 - 12PM - Baldwin St. & Spadina Ave. (Half a block West *updated 10:19am - map location below is incorrect)
2 - 4PM - Graffiti Alley #2 *Updated 12:47pm
SUNDAY 21st 10 - 12PM - Dundas St. W & Augusta Ave.
2 - 4PM - Mill St. & Trinity St. (Distillery District)
BONUS MONDAY 22nd 6 - 8PM - Dufferin St. & Peel Ave. (Cancelled)
This is a project I've been conceptualizing ever since I finished Art Battle back in February this year, where I got to paint live in front of an energized and engaged audience. I wanted to bring this energy to an urban scale, and the adspace along Toronto construction sites that we're so desensitized to felt like the perfect opportunity for this performance.
I'll be painting over the text on the artwork that you've seen in the emails and social posts (also shown below for reference) to transform each ad into a unique work of art. The artwork is of my beautiful fiance, painting using a hybrid traditional and digital technique, and each poster will receive a unique floral arrangement painted with premium grade artist's material.
By nature, this form of advertising is temporary, so I'm inviting you to come watch any of the 8 events (6 main events, 1 bonus, 1 practice) and come watch a moment in Toronto happen live!